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about us​


Bowen College UK is part of an international school, made up of some of the most dedicated Bowen therapists and educators in the world. 


Bowen College UK was founded by Jihan Adem

on the principle of delivering excellence in holistic training and education. Jihan brings a wealth of experience to the classroom and through her extensive network of specialists in their field. The UK College has advanced its delivery platform by inviting top Bowen practitioners and instructors from around the world, to share their knowledge and expertise with our students. 


As well as having taught Bowen in the UK and Europe for nearly two decades now, Jihan also teaches fascia anatomy through dissection. As part of the international team of professional that came together to form the Fascial Net Plastination Project, together they created the worlds first fascia–focussed human plastinate: FR:EIA. Through Jihan’s involvement in this project and ongoing collaborations with the Fascia Research Society, we are able to deliver, through Bowen College, the most up to date advances of fascial understanding - a key feature of why Bowen works so effectively.

our mission​



Bowen College nurtures an environment in which healthcare practitioners and therapists create the context that allows profound healing to take place, starting with our body-mind connection and its innate wisdom, because how we live IS how we heal. The philosophy of Bowen College is thriving, not just surviving.


We ignite transformational shifts in perception, aligning health and global consciousness, while empowering healthcare practitioners to become leaders in society. We foster a culture of curiosity and transformation with self-care, abundance and contribution to community. 


Our mission from the centre of our organisation, via our workshop leaders and tutors around the world, is to build a community of healers in every household.

Bowen College UK is dedicated to creating professional therapists who have the knowledge, proficiency, expertise and drive to create a better world for you, the therapist and your clients.

We are fostering a culture of curiosity and transformation with awareness, abundance and contribution to community. 


Dartington Hall, Devon: home of Bowen College UK


Fascial Net Plastination Project Team, Germany

We are dedicated to raising the standards of Bowen Education in the UK and offer the most comprehensive level of study, to ensure the highest of standards. 

message from Jihan


I absolutely love the moment when people who have come into the training room, make the discovery that they too can positively impact the health of the person in front of them with Bowen. As Bowen is a therapy that carries so few contraindications, I feel passionately that we should make this wonderful technique, as widely available as possible and I am committed to raising the standards of Bowen Therapy Education.

And whats more, we have a wonderful team of teachers to teach and share this incredible work throughout the UK


Our vision of Bowen training internationally, reflects both efforts in standardisation and in individualisation of treatments for the client. Strengthening the capacity of people to create value (to effect the positive transformation of reality) has been Jihan’s driving force throughout her career.
 passion for learning, teaching and tutoring is profound and we very much look forward to welcoming you to Bowen College here in the UK.

The home of professional Bowen Therapy education and training in the UK

Bowen College UK
Dartington Hall Estate

phone: 01803 463775 



opening hours:
Monday to Friday:  09:00 to 17:00
Saturday/Sunday: closed

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